

Worshiping as a community

Episcopal schools are created to be communities that honor, celebrate, and worship God as the center of life. When we as a community of students, faculty, and staff for worship, we immerse ourselves in the traditions, stories, and values that serve as the anchors of our community. We seek to center our hearts and minds around the love of God revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ.

Hearts and Minds

Episcopal schools are worshiping communities. Worship is one of the most universal and effective expressions of Episcopal identity and community life.

Services for all divisions are held weekly for faculty and students, and prayer is offered regularly, both at internal gatherings and public events. These gatherings are sensitive to the diversity of religious identities represented within our school while remaining faithful to the Anglican tradition, particularly as articulated in the Book of Common Prayer.

The WATCH Prayer

The WATCH Prayer is a natural outgrowth of the mission of the school, particularly with respect to our Episcopal identity. It is an articulation of (and prayerful supplication for) the principles and moral qualities we - as an Episcopal school - seek to develop in our students.

May our WORDS be full of truth and kindness,
our ACTIONS gracious and honorable,
our THOUGHTS unselfish and charitable,
our CHARACTER noble and upright,
and our HABITS virtuous,
that our school family may grow in faith, honor, and knowledge,
as we WATCH together in all things.
