

Weekly Updates


This past weekend, the Middle School Service Program packed 771 boxes at the Lowcountry Food Bank to support seniors in need. Volunteers also packed bags for the Backpack Buddies Program, which provides children with backpacks of food for weekends and school breaks. Thank you to our amazing students for making a difference in our community!

Out-of-Town Winterim Meeting and Travel Form Requirements  
We invite you to join our Out-of-Town Winterim Parent Meeting on Monday, January 27, at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. This is a chance to meet trip leaders and hear detailed itineraries, departure information, and other important information. This is for Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Florida Keys, Sports Marketing, and Disney Leadership Winterims. 

The Zoom link will be sent next week. In the meantime, please complete the attached Google Form here if you plan to attend. You do not need to submit if you do not plan to attend the meeting. 

Additionally the following forms are due to Mr. Weaver no later than Monday, February 10. 

Puerto Rico and Florida Keys:

  • Permission to travel form (notarized and submitted to Ms. Hawkins).
  • Birth Certificate or passport photos emailed to Me. Weaver or submitted in person to Ms. Hawkins. 

Costa Rica:

  • Permission to travel form (notarized and submitted to Ms. Hawkins).
  • Passport photos emailed to Mr. Weaver or submitted in person to Ms. Hawkins.

*Ms. Foerster will be in the Middle School lobby on Wednesday, February 5 from 7:45-8:45 a.m. to provide notary services. 

Substance Use Education and Prevention for PG Students and Families
Chris Herren, a former NBA player, author, and wellness advocate, will visit campus on Thursday, January 30, to share an empowering and inspiring message about substance use education and prevention with students in grades 7-12. He will also speak to parents and caregivers in the evening from 6-7 p.m. in Gwynette Auditorium. Childcare is also available for ages 5 and up. Click here to learn more about the program and to RSVP. We hope you can join us!

Preparing for 2025-2026 Re-Enrollment 
Re-enrollment contracts will be sent to all eligible families on Monday, February 3, and the re-enrollment window will be open from February 3-14. For more information about the contract timeline and schedule, withdrawals, re-enrollment eligibility, and tuition refund and payment plan options, please click here.

From the Nurse’s Office
We have seen an increase in flu, flu-like illnesses, and GI viruses on campus over the last two weeks.  As a reminder, any student who is feeling even slightly unwell should stay home from school.

Sick Policy: 

  • Any student who is absent due to illness must stay home until overall symptoms have improved and are fever-free for at least 48 hours without fever-suppressing medication, have no diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours, and are well enough to participate in a full day of classes.
  • Students who present with any flu-like or COVID symptoms at school will be sent home.
  • If your child tests positive for COVID or the flu, please notify the nurse’s office at for tracking purposes. 

Prevention Tips: 

  • Handwashing: The most effective defense against the spread of germs is handwashing. Using antiseptic soap for at least 20 seconds is best; however, hand sanitizer can be used when there is a time constraint.
  • Flu Vaccination: The flu vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu. We strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated against the flu. 

Reminder about Caffeinated Beverages
Students are not allowed to have caffeinated beverages in school. Please do not send your child in with energy drinks, such as Celsius, Red Bull, or similar beverages.

Middle School Service Opportunities
On January 24, PG will host a joint fundraiser with First Baptist to support Hurricane Helene recovery efforts. Middle School students have the opportunity to sell goods (store-bought baked goods or snacks, homemade dog treats, or craft items) in the Wendell Center lobby to raise money to support communities as they continue to rebuild. Students or families who are interested should contact Mrs. Clair or Mrs. Flynn. For more information about the fundraiser, click here

We also want to recognize the disaster currently unfolding in California. Earlier today, our Upper School Service Club hosted a bake sale to benefit the American Red Cross and its response to the wildfires. Any families who would also make a donation may do so here. We will share additional ways to show support for recovery and rebuilding efforts in the coming weeks. 

From Our Chaplains
We invite you to pray for those who have been impacted by the devastating wildfires in California: Heavenly Father, look with mercy upon all of those now threatened by the devastating fires of Southern California. Protect those who are in danger. Shield those who are risking their lives in the service of others. Guide our leaders, and give us the grace to be your hands and feet to those in need. This we pray in Christ's holy name, Amen."

Click here to read reflections from our chaplains, access recommended resources, and request prayer. 

Dining Update from Taher
Follow Taher on Instagram (@taherpgdining) to see the latest offerings in Washington Hall. You are also welcome to email with any questions or feedback. To access daily menus, please click here

From the PGPA

  • Winter Meeting: All parents and caregivers are invited and encouraged to attend the PGPA Winter Meeting on Thursday, January 23 in Washington Hall at 8 a.m. 
  • Concessions: Please click here to sign up for shifts and support our Cyclone sports teams.

Important Dates 

  • January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - School Closed
  • January 30: PG Wellness Speaker Series: Chris Herren
  • February 7: Grandparents and Special Friends Day
  • February 17 & 18: Winter Break - School Closed
  • March 14: No School: Faculty Work Day
  • March 22: PGPA Spring Party at 4 p.m., John Singleton Stadium
  • March 26: Conference Day
  • March 31 - April 4: Spring Break
  • April 18: Good Friday - School Closed
  • April 21: Easter Monday - School Closed
  • April 27: Spring Arts Festival
  • May 26: Memorial Day - School Closed
  • May 30: Last Day of School