Middle School Weekly Update
Weekly Updates
Porter-Gaud Middle School and Upper School students recently traveled to Columbia to compete in the South Carolina Junior Classical League Spring Forum. Many of our students won awards in academic, creative, and athletic competitions, and our Middle School team placed first overall! Well done!
Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences on March 26
Please sign up for conferences by Monday, March 24. Click here for more information.
Important Safety Reminders
Thank you for your patience and support as we’ve adjusted to our new carpool procedures. Throughout the construction period, our top priority is the safety of our community, and we kindly ask you to review the following reminders:
- Enter Middle and Upper School carpool by turning onto the driveway in front of the stadium. This prevents back-ups on Albemarle Road, expedites Lower School carpool traffic, and enhances safety for students who need to cross the street.
- Bike riders should cross the street at the crosswalk by the three-way stop.
- Remind students to use the designated walkways and only to cross the street at the crosswalk by the short drive exit where a security officer will assist.
- Do not pick up or drop off students in the street or in the MUSC parking lot across from the stadium. This practice creates a dangerous situation with students crossing the street at unexpected locations and not remembering to look both ways before crossing.
Class Trips
In partnership with the Board of Trustees, we have worked hard to reduce the cost of class trips by supplementing the cost internally. Parents and caregivers of sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students must register and pay the class trip fee through Orange Sky. Please be sure to register by Thursday, March 27, so we can finish booking hotels. Fifth-grade grade parents and caregivers do not need to register and pay the fee through Orange Sky. Instead, the school will bill you directly. Below are dates of the class trips, fees, and links to register.
- Sixth Grade Trip to Williamsburg, VA: Tuesday, May 6 - Friday, May 9
- Registration Link
- The fee is $125.
- Seventh Grade Class Trip to Washington, D.C.: Tuesday, May 6 - Friday, May 9
- Registration Link
- The fee is $100.
- Eighth Grade Trip to Atlanta, GA: Tuesday, May 6 - Friday, May 9
- Registration Link
- The fee is $125.
- Fifth Grade Class Trip to Green River Preserve: Tuesday, May 13 - Friday, May 16
- No need to register.
- The fee is $30.
Please also log into MyPG and complete permission forms.
Finally, please note that class trips are considered part of the school day, and those not attending are considered absent. As a result, students are unable to participate in after-school activities, athletic practices, and games.
Save the Date: 8th Grade Celebration and Photo Request
The 8th-Grade Celebration will take place on Wednesday, May 21, at 9 a.m. in the Wendell Center. All 8th-grade families are invited to join us as we mark this special occasion in the academic journey of our students. In preparation for this special event, please send your favorite photo of your child as a baby or toddler along with a photo of them from this year to jhawkins@portergaud.edu by Monday, April 28, so we can include them in our slide show.
Class of 2029 Sweatshirt Orders and Parent-Sponsored Graduation Party
If you would like to purchase a Class of 2029 sweatshirt for your student, please click here for more information and to place an order. All orders must be received by Thursday, March 27, at 3 p.m. Additional information about the Parent-Sponsored 8th-Grade Graduation Party on May 21 can be found here.
Scheduling Information for Rising Ninth Graders
Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who attended the Upper School scheduling information sessions. Many of the resources shared during the meetings are available in our 2025-2026 Course Guide, which you can access here. Additionally, more documents will be provided to you on Conference Day to help guide you and your student through the scheduling process. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, and thank you for partnering with us in your student’s academic planning!
Upcoming Service Opportunities
- March 22: Fine Arts Closet Clean-Out at Porter-Gaud, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Shifts will be listed for 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.). Join us to help the fine arts department prepare for next school year! Sign up here.
- March 27: 8th Graders Only - Ronald McDonald House Dinner (1 Gadsden Street, Charleston, SC 29401), 4-5:45 p.m. - Please sign up here.
- March 29: Walk For Water, Riverfront Park, North Charleston, 9 a.m. - Porter-Gaud sponsors a team each year, but this event is not organized by Mrs. Clair and Mrs. Flynn. We encourage your family to sign up and participate together! If you can’t make it on March 29, you are still able to donate to the PG Team. You can donate or join the team here.
AI and Computational Math Learning Opportunity
Students in grades 6 to 12 who are interested in learning how AI is impacting economic analysis and quantitative finance can learn more about upcoming summer programs through In SpiritAI here.
French Toast Uniform Sale
On March 20 and 21, our uniform vendor, French Toast, is offering 30% off uniform items and free shipping on orders of $99 or more. Click here to shop.
Dining Update from Taher
We invite you to follow Taher on Instagram (@taherpgdining) to see the latest offerings in Washington Hall and email dining@portergaud.edu with any questions or feedback. To access daily menus, please click here.
From Our Chaplains
Click here to read reflections from our chaplains, access recommended resources, and request prayer.
From the PGPA
- Spring Party tickets are on sale! The PGPA invites all parents and caregivers to enjoy an evening of recreation, competition, and entertainment featuring pickleball, kickball, music, food trucks, and more on Saturday, March 22 at 4 p.m. Click here to purchase your ticket.
- Spring Concessions: The spring sports season is in full swing and we need your help! Please click here to sign up for shifts and support our Cyclone sports teams.
- PGPA Virtual Pop-Up Sale - Stock up on your Cyclone gear at this Virtual Pop-Up Sale! Click here for details on how to shop.
- PGPA Faith: All parents and caregivers are invited to meet Lowcountry FCA staff member, Johnathan Game on Tuesday, April 15, from 8:30-9 a.m. in Washington Hall. This will be an opportunity to learn about Lowcountry FCA, a student-led club on campus, and how to get involved.
Important Dates
- March 22: PGPA Spring Party at 4 p.m., John Singleton Stadium
- March 26: Conference Day
- March 31 - April 4: Spring Break
- April 18: Good Friday - School Closed
- April 21: Easter Monday - School Closed
- April 27: Spring Arts Festival
- May 26: Memorial Day - School Closed
- May 30: Last Day of School

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