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Week Ahead 2/24 - 2/28B Week with Special Schedule MondayDaily ScheduleMonday, February 24th will be a special schedule for the scheduling assembly.
Personal Technology Policy ReminderIf you bring your personal technology to campus, you must use your Yondr pouch each day and lock it at the beginning of the day. Headphones may only be used for a school-specific use with the permission of a faculty member. They should not be used during free periods and study halls to listen to music. Upper School Musical Thursday - SundayJoin us for Mamma Mia! Performances will take place February 27 - March 1 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 2 at 3 p.m. Get your tickets now. Sunday is almost sold out. Students can earn an Engage credit by attending the musical. Purchase tickets here.
Peer Leadership Lunch TuesdayWe will have a peer leadership lunch on Tuesday. 9th-grade students should grab your lunch and then head to your advisory classroom. If your peer leaders are changing the location, they will let you know. The 12th & 9th grade will be let into the cafeteria first on Tuesday. Lunch and Learn FridayJoin us for a Lunch and Learn session featuring an engaging interfaith dialogue with representatives from Greek Orthodox Christianity, Confucianism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Our diverse panel will explore deep questions about life’s purpose, suffering, the right path, and hope, drawing from their unique religious traditions. The session will feature a facilitated discussion based on pre-arranged questions designed by students, followed by an interactive Q&A. This is a great opportunity to learn from different spiritual perspectives and reflect on how they shape our lives. Come listen, ask questions, and gain insight into the meaningful challenges we all face. Discover what students in the Life Worth Living elective are exploring and discussing. RSVP by Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025 using this link. Lunch will be provided for those who RSVP by Wednesday at 3:30 pm. (Marco’s Cheese Pizza will be ordered) SCISA Math Meet Informational Lunch MeetingAttention all students interested in competing in the SCISA Math Meet! There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25 from 1:30 - 1:50 PM in Room 307. The Math Meet will be held on Thursday, March 20 in Sumter, SC. We are allowed to take two teams (5 students per team) plus 1 alternate. We all know the history — Hammond been the reigning champion for years But this is Porter-Gaud's year. We have the best and brightest — we just need to prove it. Let’s show them that we’ve got what it takes to reclaim the crown! If you’re interested in competing, please attend this meeting to learn more. If you can’t make it but still want to participate, please email Mrs. Schenkel for more information. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to challenge yourself, represent our school, and beat Hammond! Vestry this weekMonday: Chapel open for prayer during lunch Tuesday: Theology Tuesdays ("How to Read the Bible") during lunch in the chapel. Grab your food from the cafeteria and come on over. Wednesday: Senior Girls Bible Study at the Egleston's House during lunch (food provided); Chapel open for prayer during lunch Thursday - Morning Eucharist at 7:05 in the Chapel; Upper School Bible Study in the Head of School Boardroom from 7:50-8:10 (Chick-fil-A biscuits provided); Friday - Chapel open for prayer during lunch Prayer & Pastoral Care Form - If you would like to submit a prayer request or set up a meeting with one of our chaplains, please complete this form." Service this WeekService Reminders - Please record your service hours in the app. Don't forget that PG extended day and WINGS mentoring program can use high school student volunteers any day after school you are able to help out! Also, we are in need of a few more student recyclers. Email Griffin Domm or Coleman Long if you want to sign-up! TUESDAY - Find your Blood Drive service leaders in the courtyard at lunch to sign-up for our next blood drive on Wednesday, March 5th! TUESDAY - Water Mission volunteer opportunity from 3:40-4:30. Email Nora Kanich or Lily Keenan for a ride or to sign-up! WEDNESDAY - Pet Helpers from 3:40-4:30. Email Camille, Van, or Erin to sign-up! THURSDAY at 11:20 by the Rev Statue - Charitable Bake Sale for Bridge Between Animal Rescue. They will use the funds raised to keep more dogs out of our local shelter environments! Email Grayson, Evie, or Zoe to help with the bake sale.
College Counseling Updates12th Grade Updates
11th Grade Updates
10th Grade Updates
9th Grade Updates
Upcoming Testing Schedule:
Athletics this weekAthletics Schedule on the Website Monday, February 24th
Tuesday, February 25th
Wednesday, February 26th
Thursday, February 27th
Friday, February 28th
Saturday, March 1st
Sunday, March 2nd
Thanks for your support! Go Cyclones! Meetings this weekMonday Lunch
Tuesday Lunch
Wednesday Lunch
Thursday Lunch
Friday Lunch
Detention this WeekStudents with detentions may serve on Monday from 3:25 - 3:55, Tuesday from 7:45 - 8:15, and Thursday from 3:25 - 3:55. Detention Location This Week - Feb 24 - 28 - Westerman - US 224 Next Week - March 3-7 - Bruton - US 305 Campus CleanupEach week, advisory groups will be assigned to help with campus cleanup from 1:30 - 1:40 p.m. on Mondays and 1:40 - 1:50 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. This Week - Feb 24 - 28
Next Week - March 3-7
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