Cultivating Lives
of Purpose
Cultivating Lives
of Purpose
Cultivating Lives
of Purpose
Our Mission in Action

Our students are nurtured in an environment that challenges them intellectually, ethically, and spiritually, and we support them through every step of their journey with an intense focus on their individual needs.

Lives of Purpose
Setting goals is crucial to living a life of purpose. Our carefully crafted and well-rounded curriculum takes students on an educational journey that equips them with the skills necessary to achieve their dreams.

Lives of Learning
Our students are scholars, athletes, artists, musicians, mathematicians, community service volunteers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and more. To be a Cyclone is to be an active and empathetic individual in the PG community and in life!

Lives of Service
Students seek out opportunities to show compassion to those in need, are stewards for the environment, take care of God’s creatures, and show appreciation for those people who make the world a better place.

Cultivating Each Student
Every child learns differently, and Porter-Gaud is set up to give each student the attention they need to be successful. We cater the education to the student, not to a state-prescribed standard.

God-given Potential
As people made in the image of God, each of us has special gifts that need to be thoughtfully cultivated. It is our passion at Porter-Gaud to empower students to reach the potential we know is there.
One of Porter-Gaud’s founding principles is the acronym WATCH. We ask students to always thoughtfully consider their words, actions, thoughts, character, and habits. We strive to nurture both a strong intellect and moral character. Guided by our Vision of a Learner, each component of WATCH is woven into an experience that provides the most holistic education in the Lowcountry, and has made Porter-Gaud an educational leader for more than a century.

The Arts
Porter-Gaud places a premium on creativity and performance. In the studio, on the stage, or in the choir room, our students are challenged to perform at the highest levels. Beauty and art are inexorably linked to the human spirit. We believe that the arts are vital to helping our students discover their own humanity and creativity... and in doing so, find themselves.

We develop young men and women who are committed to faith, honor, and knowledge, and who are vigilant in watching their words, actions, thoughts, character, and habits. Developing teams made up of scholar-athletes with these values results in those teams pursuing excellence. Excellence follows from doing the right things, the right ways, for the right reasons. We have one of the top athletic programs in SCISA. Annually, our more than 60 teams - from bantam to varsity - compete for state titles.

With help from our supportive faculty, student achieve more than they ever thought possible. Our curriculum is flexible and caters to the needs of each student, not the requirements of a state standard. We meet our students where they are and help them arrive at where they want to go.

True to our Episcopal identity, we trust in the love of God, believe in the dignity of every human being, and uphold the principles of honesty and integrity and the pursuit of moral and ethical character.
As embodiments of the Christian faith, Episcopal schools are founded on the belief that God has revealed himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ as love and that each human being is a product, recipient, and reflection of that love. We at Porter-Gaud seek to be a school in which the unique capacity of every member of our community reflects God’s love, goodness, beauty, and creativity. We seek to be a place where the innate dignity of all people is recognized, and where unconditional love - a love that doesn’t have to be earned - is offered to all.
Reviews &



"Our school gave me the tools to learn how to learn. We were expected to know how to find the information and apply it. I will always love PG for that."
Dr. Melvin Brown
Class of 1987, Physician, Trustee, Parent of a 2024 Graduate
"At PG, I was inspired. That zest for learning that I got at PG stayed with me throughout my graduate work and early career"
Class of 2006, Dentist
"Porter-Gaud is an easy easy place to call home. It's a feeling palpable for all who pass through its gates, even if only for a few hours. Spend a day here and you'll no doubt be searching for ways to stay. Spend a month and you'll feel like you've been here and known its people forever --- more importantly, you'll wish that you had."
History Teacher & Parent
Take a (virtual) look around
our campus
Our educational journey begins at the O’Quinn Schools, and is a cohesive, well-crafted experience through graduation from Upper School. Each division has unique characteristics that prepare each student for what comes next. From age 2 through the end of their senior year, students follow a journey that has been tested, proven, refined, and has evolved to meet the needs of an ever-changing world over the course of our 157 year history.

O’Quinn Schools
By focusing on the social and emotional skills of each child, and through classroom experiences, creative play, new friendships, and intentional instruction, the foundation of an independent and self-reliant student is created. Our teachers encourage group cooperation, listening skills, individual responsibility, and FUN! We want all of our students to recognize their worth and enjoy the fullness of each day.

Lower School
The Lower School is a journey of discovery where students take the first steps on their educational path. Joy is found in recognizing abilities and unearthing new talents, meeting challenges, and building strong relationships that foster an inclusive learning community.

Middle School
When you step into Tyler Hall and the Science & Technology building, the energy is palpable. Capitalizing on the enthusiasm and curiosity of these adolescent students, our faculty designs hands-on, student-centered learning experiences.
On a typical day, you might see students testing roofing materials on model houses as they discuss solar energy, hear students debating cultural topics in one of four languages as they expand their global horizons, feel students supported through our carefully aligned writing program as they begin to find their own voice; and experience the passion of students solving problems of the future logically through their understanding of mathematics and holistically through their learning from the past.
When our students step on the theater stage or put on their Cyclone jersey, we help them see themselves as part of something bigger, something special.

Upper School
Upper School represents a defining period in our students’ lives. Having successfully navigated the academic and time management challenges of the Middle School, students intensify their studies and co-curricular activities in preparation for finding the best fit for college. A rigorous academic program is delivered by passionate, professional educators, who incorporate critical-thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills into daily lessons and discussions.

We would love to discuss your place at Porter-Gaud.